Claudiu Mihail

Claudiu Mihail

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Spectacole viitoare cu Claudiu Mihail

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Despre Claudiu Mihail

Actor al Teatrului „Sică Alexandrescu” Braşov în perioada 2014-2016

Actor of the “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre in Craiova since 2016


Roles at the National Theatre “Marin Sorescu” Craiova 


Omul – „Alegerea” piesă într-un act scrisă la Versoix de Majestățile Lor Regele Mihai I și Regina Ana, regia Alexandru Boureanu și Raluca Păun, stagiunea 2022-2023, premiera 18 noiembrie 2022

Povestitor„@acedesiguranță” de Ionuț Sociu, regia Bobi Pricop, stagiunea 2021-2022, premiera 23 ianuarie 2022

Sebastian Sima (husband), Hunter, Father, Scared Dogs, Dog – „ Dog with man. Dog without a man. ” by Lia Bugnar, Dan Coman, Simona Goşu, Maria Manolescu, Oana Pellea, Radu Tudoran and Radu Afrim, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2021-2022, premiere October 9, 2021

Bob – “Toc Toc” by Laurent Baffie, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, season 2020-2021, premiere February 12, 2021

Robert Selby – “Think of Africa” by Gordon Dryland, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2020-2021, premiere December 18, 2020

Nottingham / The Executioner – “Shakespeare’s Cousin” by Marin Sorescu, directed by Radu Boroianu, season 2020-2021, premiere November 29, 2020

Claudiu / other characters – “Heart and other meat dishes” by Dan Coman, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2020-2021, premiere October 3, 2020

Claudiu – “The Snake Outfit” by Marius Aldea, concept, artistic direction and choreography by Andrea Gavriliu, 2019-2020 season, premiere June 19, 2020

Voices on the phone / appearances in the studio / bar – “Radio” by Eric Bogosian, directed by Bobi Pricop, season 2019-2020, premiere December 14, 2019

Lentziu – “House with Meerkats” by David Drábek, directed by Radu Afrim, 2018-2019 season, premiere April 20, 2019

Alejandro – “Operation Mars” by Alexa Băcanu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu, 2019-2020 season, premiere September 18, 2019

Zander – “White Room” by Alexandra Badea, directed by Florin Caracala, season 2018-2019, premiere December 19, 2018

Jay – “Smells like Prey” by Michele Lowe, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2018-2019 season, premiere December 8, 2018

Iuliu Maniu – “100 for Romania” documentary theater, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, show on the occasion of the Centenary of the Great Union, December 1, 2018

Soldier – “Aias. Essay on dementia ” after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, season 2018-2019, premiere September 21, 2018

Claudiu – “Retroelectro” by Bogdan Georgescu, directed by Bogdan Georgescu, season 2018-2019, premiere October 19, 2018

La Grange – “F ȇ te” after Molière, directed by Andreea Ciocîrlan, season 2017-2018, premiere February 17, 2018

Black – “Sand Monster” by Csaba Székely, directed by Irina Crăiță-Mândră, season 2017-2018, premiere December 17, 2017

The First – “If We Think Loudly” by Adnan Lugonić, directed by Radu Afrim, 2016-2017 season, premiere May 6, 2017

The Groom – The Bloody Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, 2016-2017 season, premiere February 26, 2017

Beleaiev “A Month in the Country” by Ivan Sergheevich Turgheniev, directed by Cristi Juncu, 2016-2017 season, premiere October 8, 2016

Oreste – “The Oreste Project” text adaptation after Euripides by “Oreste”, directed by Laurențiu Tudor, 2016-2017 season, premiere November 17, 2016

Titinius / Citizen 1 – “Iulius Caesar” by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Schneider, 2015-2016 season, premiere April 17, 2016

The Storyteller – “Santa’s Girl and Mother’s Daughter” by Bogdan Ulmu after Ion Creanga’s novel, directed by Raluca Păun, season 2015-2016, premiere March 31, 2016

The First Man – “Illusions” by Ivan Vyrypaev, directed by Bobi Pricop, 2014-2015 season, premiere May 29, 2015

Rhino Head – “Rhinos” by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson, 2013-2014 season, premiere July 2, 2014

Knight Danceny “Dangerous Connections” by Choderlos de Laclos, directed by Romaniţa Ionescu and Raluca Pǎun, season 2012- 2013, premiere January 20, 2013

Barnette Loyd “Blood Ties” by Beth Henley, Collective Direction: Performed by Performers, 2011-2012 Season, Premiere October 28, 2011

The Emperor “Youth Without Old Age and Life Without Death” after Petre Ispirescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2011 season -2012, premiere January 19, 2012

The Emperor “Youth Without Old Age and Life Without Death” after Petre Ispirescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2011 season -2012, premiere January 19, 2012


Roles performed at the “Sica Alexandrescu” Theater Brasov 

  1. J. – “The Problem Child” by George F. Walker, directed by Adrian Iclenzan

Arlechino / Mario – “The game of love and chance” by Marivaux, directed by Liviu Lucaci

A Waiter – “Servant to Two Masters” by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Cristian Hadji-Culea

Samuel / Detective / Deputy Commander – “Dancing in the Night” by Patrick Ellsworth, directed by Vlad Massaci


Other projects

“Rhinos” by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson, National Theater “Marin Sorescu” Craiova

Knight Danceny – “Dangerous Connections” translation and adaptation by Romaniţa Ionescu, directed by Romaniţa Ionescu and Raluca Pǎun, at the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater in Craiova

Făt-Frumos – „ Ȋnşir-te Margarita” by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, at the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater in Craiova

The Emperor – “Youth without old age and life without death” after Petre Ispirescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, at the National Theater “Marin Sorescu” Craiova

Barnette Loyd – “Blood Ties” by Beth Henley, collective direction, project realized within the Off Stage program of the National Theater “Marin Sorescu” Craiova

Raul – „Extrem” , directed by Raluca Pǎun, Underground Theater, Café Play Theater from Craiova

Dodo – the trilogy “It’s good where we are not” (episode 1, episode 3), directed by Raluca Păun, Underground Theater, Café Play Theater in Craiova

The Husband – “Marital Quarrels” , directed by Laurenţiu Tudor, a project of the Teatrulescu Company – “Theater everywhere”, a tour organized in twenty communes in Oltenia

actor in improvisation shows “Impro Show” , Teatrulescu Company

participant in the project “Schools for schools” , a project of the Teatrulescu Company; held improvisational performances for students

Participating in street performances Days of Happiness

Voice recording for radio theater, stories for children under the guidance of actors Alina and Remus Vlăsceanu

The Storyteller – “Fuchsiada” by Urmuz, directed by Laurenţiu Tudor, choreographed by Ruxandra Chelaru

“Love is a great thing” – Underground Theater, Café Play Theater in Craiova, Teatrulescu Company

“Come to our station” – Underground Theater, Café Play Theater from Craiova, Teatrulescu Company

“Your story is the story of your neighborhood” – Community theater project (actor and coordinator)



Spot MRC House, Ruris, Planet – Space Club, Grolsch,Olx

The Groom – “Die Zielfahnder”, directed by Dominik Graf


Participation in international festivals  

National Theater Festival – “Rhinos”, directed by Robert Wilson, “Marin Sorescu” National Theater Craiova, (2014)

National Improvisation Festival – “Impro Show”, Teatrulescu Company, (2013 and 2014)


Participation in international festivals  

International Studio Theater Festival – “Dangerous Connections”, directed by Romaniţa Ionescu and Raluca Păun, “Marin Sorescu” National Theater Craiova, (2013)

International Student Theater Festival – Carei’s “Spot”, “The Waltz of the Dogs”, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, (2012)

Roluri jucate de-a lungul timpului

în The snake outfit
în Radio
în Operațiunea Marte
în Casa cu suricate
în White room
în Aias. Eseu despre demență
în Dacă am gândi cu voce tare
în Retroelectro
în Monstrul nisipurilor
în Miroase a pradă
în Iluzii
în Inimă și alte preparate din carne
în Toc toc
în Gândește-te la africa
în dog with man. dog without man
în #acedesiguranță
în Femeia mării
în Oedipus
în Toc toc
Sebastian Sima (soțul), Vânătorul, Tatăl, Câinii speriați, Câinele
în câine cu om.câine fără om – FNT
în Oedip Rege – FNT