Raluca Păun
Spectacole viitoare cu Raluca Păun
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Despre Raluca Păun
Faculty of Letters and History – Department of Theatre Arts, speciality – acting, class of Professor Ilie Gheorghe, University of Craiova, class of 2001
Actress of the “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre in Craiova since 2003
Roles at the National Theatre “Marin Sorescu” Craiova
Cântăreața – „Alegerea” piesă într-un act scrisă la Versoix de Majestățile Lor Regele Mihai I și Regina Ana, regia Alexandru Boureanu și Raluca Păun, stagiunea 2022-2023, premiera 18 noiembrie 2022
York, 1st Murderer – „Richard al III-lea” de William Shakespeare, regia Bocsárdi László, stagiunea 2022-2023, premiera 28 mai 2022
Corul – „Oedip Rege” de Sofocle, regia Declan Donnellan, stagiunea 2022-2023, premiera 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 mai 2022
The Maid / Housemaid – “ The Woman of the Sea” by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Andriy Zholdak, season 2021-2022, premiere February 5, 2022
Scared dogs, Wife – „ Dog with man. Dog without a man. ” by Lia Bugnar, Dan Coman, Simona Goşu, Maria Manolescu, Oana Pellea, Radu Tudoran and Radu Afrim, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2021-2022, premiere October 9, 2021
Raluca – “Viva la vulva” , lyrics by Marius Aldea, concept, direction and scenography by Andrea Gavriliu, season 2020-2021, premiere April 24, 2021
Maria – “Toc Toc” by Laurent Baffie, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, season 2020-2021, premiere February 12, 2021
Maggie Spiller – “Thinking About Africa” by Gordon Dryland, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2020-2021, premiere December 18, 2020
Voicea’s Desaga – “Shakespeare’s Cousin” by Marin Sorescu, directed by Radu Boroianu, season 2020-2021, premiere November 29, 2020
Maria / other characters – “Heart and other meat dishes” by Dan Coman, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2020-2021, premiere October 3, 2020
Woman – “Playground” by Raul Coldea, directed by Raul Coldea, season 2019-2020, premiere December 6, 2019
Mechthild – “Bang” by Marius von Mayenburg, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu, season 2018-2029, premiere June 5, 2019
Rozica – “House with Meerkats” by David Drábek, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2018-2019, premiere April 20, 2019
Karen – “Operation Mars” by Alexa Băcanu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu, 2019-2020 season, premiere September 18, 2019
Mira – “White Room” by Alexandra Badea, directed by Florin Caracala, season 2018-2019, premiere December 19, 2018
Debra – “Smells like Prey” by Michele Lowe, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2018-2019 season, premiere December 8, 2018
Pacifist – “Aias. Essay on dementia ” after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, season 2018-2019, premiere September 21, 2018
Raluca – “Retroelectro” by Bogdan Georgescu, directed by Bogdan Georgescu, season 2018-2019, premiere October 19, 2018
Amazon / Fundulea – “Athenian Nights” after William Shakespeare, directed by Charles Chemin, season 2017-2018, premiere March 30, 2018
Magdelon – “Fȇte” after Molière, directed by Andreea Ciocîrlan, season 2017-2018, premiere February 17, 2018
Orange – “Sand Monster” by Csaba Székely, directed by Irina Crăiță-Mândră, season 2017-2018, premiere December 17, 2017
Zoia – “Gaiţele” by Alexandru Kiritescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2017-2018, premiere September 22, 2017
The third – “If we think aloud” by Adnan Lugonić, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2016-2017, premiere May 6, 2017
Engagement – “Bloody Wedding” by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, 2016-2017 season, premiere February 26, 2017
The Drunk Postman / The Leatherman / Street Woman – “The Other Country” by Herta Müller, directed by Alexandru Istudor, 2016-2017 season, premiere December 17, 2016
Electra – “The Oreste Project” text adaptation of Euripides after “Oreste”, directed by Laurențiu Tudor, 2016-2017 season, premiere November 17, 2016
Oven / Midwife – “Santa’s Girl and Midwife’s Girl” by Bogdan Ulmu after Ion Creangă, directed by Raluca Păun, season 2015-2016, premiere March 31, 2016
Josefina – “Eve Braun’s Revolt” by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, directed by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, 2015-2016 season, reading show January 23, 2016
Maid / Trendy Girl – “Explosive” by Elise Wilk. Directed by Andrei Măjeri, season 2015-2016, premiere January 16, 2016
Catinca – “End” dramaturgy by Oana Hodade after Florin Lăzărescu, directed by Leta Popescu, season 2015-2016, premiere November 14, 2015
Lola – “The Local Hospice” by Flavius Lucăcel, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2014-2015, reading show April 24, 2015
Magda – “Grandfather’s Birthday” by Sergiu Vâlcu, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2014-2015, reading show March 21, 2015
Housewife / Rhino Head – “Rhinos” by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson, 2013-2014 season, premiere July 2, 2014
“He himself said, with his hand” by Cornel Udrea, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season, premiere April 16, 2014
April Green – “HOT L Baltimore” by Lanford Wilson, directed by Peter Schneider, 2013-2014 season, premiere February 14, 2014
Anca / Mama Anca / Mama Marei / Romanian teacher / TV presenter – “Religion teacher” by Mihaela Michailov, directed by Bobi Pricop, season 2013-2014, premiere November 3, 2013
Anica Bolânda – “The One Who Saw God” after “La Lilieci” by Marin Sorescu, directed by Mirela Cioabă, season 2013-2014, premiere October 5, 2013
Rodippe – “Lysistrata” by Aristophanes, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, season 2012-2013, premiere February 24, 2013
Marquise de Merteuil – “Dangerous Connections” by Choderlos de Laclos, directed by Romaniţa Ionescu and Raluca Păun, season 2012-2013, premiere January 20, 2013
Ha-ha – “Shakespeare’s Apocalypse” by Janusz Wiśniewski, directed by Janusz Wiśniewski, season 2012-2013, premiere December 22, 2012
Ana – “Photoshop” by Catinca Drăgănescu, directed by Catinca Drăgănescu, season 2012-2013, premiere October 14, 2012
A bodyguard – “A lost letter” by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2012-2013, premiere October 13, 2012
Ziţa – “A stormy night” by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2011-2012, premiere November 15, 2011
Chick Boyle – “Blood Ties” by Beth Henley, Collective Directed by Performers, 2011-2012 Season, Premiere October 28, 2011
Dorine – “Tartuffe” by Molière, directed by Kincses Elemér, 2011-2012 season, premiere October 2, 2011
Hoaţa – „Balconul” by Jean Genet, directed by Nicu Nitai, season 2009-2010, premiere June 20, 2010
Actor 3 – “West Express” by Matei Vişniec, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2008-2009 season, premiere May 29, 2009
Delia Purcică – “Puiu’s Wedding” by Puși Dinulescu, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2008-2009, premiere April 22, 2009
Milena Sura – “String Your Beads” by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2008-2009, premiere February 15, 2009
Mathurine – “Dom Juan” by Molière, directed by Cornel Todea, 2008-2009 season, premiere December 6, 2008
Wife / Mother / Girl – “Human Nonsense” by Bogdan Ulmu after the novel by Ion Creangă, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2007-2008, premiere October 20, 2007
Helen – “Fat” by Neil LaBute, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2007-2008, premiere September 23, 2007
Mother’s song – “My mother sings in the lighthouse” by Gilles Granouillet, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2006-2007, premiere May 26, 2007
In Choir – “Two Pings” by Mircea Daneliuc, directed by Mircea Daneliuc, 2006-2007 season, premiere January 20, 2007
In Choir – “Medea” by Euripides, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, 2005-2006 season, premiere April 15, 2006
A Girl in the House – “Cherry Orchard” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by Alexa Visarion, 2005-2006 season, premiere January 15, 2006
Jupâneasa Claudia – “The Miser” by Molière, directed by Lászlo Bocsárdi,
season 2004-2005, premiere September 25, 2004
Nastia – “Night Asylum” by Maxim Gorky, directed by Claudiu Goga, season 2003-2004, premiere November 29, 2003
Mrs. Goodwill – “Arthur’s Rise Ui Can Be Stopped ” by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Kincses Elemér, 2003 season -2004, premiere September 14, 2003
Irina – “The Woman in the Cage” by Mircea-Radu Iacoban, directed by Anca-Maria Colţeanu, season 2002-2003, premiere May 30, 2003
Iulia – “The Deceased” by René de Obaldia, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2001-2002, premiere September 16, 2001
Theater direction
„1,2,3… Bebe” by Andre Roussin, directed by Raluca Păun & Alexandru Boureanu, at the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater Craiova, 2019
“Santa’s daughter and midwife’s daughter” after Ion Creangă by Bogdan Ulmu, at the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater Craiova, 2015-2016
“Artists’ booth” by Arnost Goldflam at the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater Craiova, 2012-2013
“Dangerous Bonds” by Choderlos de Laclos at the National Theatre “Marin Sorescu” Craiova, 2012-2013