Ștefan Cepoi

Ștefan Cepoi

Actor, Autor
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Despre Ștefan Cepoi

Graduate of Hyperion Arte-Bucharest University, class of Professor Doctor Eusebiu Ştefănescu and Rodica Mandache, class of 2000

Actor of the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater in Craiova since 2007


Professional experience

* 2001-2002 collaborator of the company Teatro di Castalia (Italy)
* theater teacher in the Italian state and private education system (schools, high schools)
* Workshop theater group coordinator (collaborator of Massa-Carrara City Hall, Tuscany region)


Roles at the „Marin Sorescu” National Theater from Craiova

Ratcliff„Richard al III-lea” de William Shakespeare, regia Bocsárdi László, stagiunea 2022-2023, premiera  28 mai 2022

Man 4 / first servant / traveler / speaker / doctor 3 / He – “The Slaughter Game” by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Beatrice Rancea, premiere October 29, 31, 2021

Suspect 2 – “Where is my soul?” dramatic screenplay by Norbert Boda, after texts and poems by Marin Sorescu, directed by Norbert Boda, season 2020-2021, premiere December 19, 2020

Porcius Blister – “Shakespeare’s Cousin” by Marin Sorescu, directed by Radu Boroianu, season 2020-2021, premiere November 29, 2020

Darius / other characters – “Heart and other meat dishes” by Dan Coman, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2020-2021, premiere 3 October 2020

Ștefan – “The Snake Outfit” by Marius Aldea, concept, artistic direction and choreography by Andrea Gavriliu, season 2020-2021, premiere June 19, 2020

Voices on the radio – “Radio” by Eric Bogosian, directed by Bobi Pricop, season 2019-2020, premiere December 14, 2019

“Good news. Final ” by Davide Carnevali, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2019-2020 season, premiere November 10, 2019

Aki – “Operation Mars” by Alexa Băcanu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu, 2019-2020 season, premiere September 18, 2019

Ciuf – “Ciuf and Ciuf in space” by Vlad Drăgulescu, directed by Vlad Drăgulescu, season 2018-2019, premiere April 15, 2019

Nenad – “White Room” by Alexandra Badea, directed by Florin Caracala, season 2018-2019, premiere December 19, 2018

Dr. I Nistor – “100 for Romania” documentary theater, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, show on the occasion of the Centenary of the Great Union, December 1, 2018

Soldier – „Aias. Essay on dementia ” after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, season 2018-2019, premiere September 21, 2018

Lefter Popescu – “Two Lots” after Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Nicolae Poghirc, 2017-2018 season, premiere February 13, 2018

Doctor / Man – “Against Freedom” by Esteve Soler, directed by Bobi Pricop, 2017-2018 season, reading show February 1, 2018

Ștefan – „Salvatorii sniilor” by Bogdan Cristian Drăgan, directed by Bogdan Cristian Drăgan, season 2017-2018, premiere January 20, 2018

Red – “Sand Monster” by Csaba Székely, directed by Irina Crăiță-Mândră, season 2017-2018, premiere December 16, 2017

Moon – “Bloody Wedding” by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, 2016-2017 season, premiere February 26, 2017

Albert / Thomas – “The Other Country” by Herta Müller, directed by Alexandru Istudor, 2016-2017 season, premiere December 17, 2016

Claus – “Eva Braun’s Revolt” by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, directed by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, 2015-2016 season, reading show January 23, 2016

Octavius Caesar / Marullus – “Iulius Caesar” by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Schneider, 2015-2016 season, premiere April 17, 2016

The Brawler – “Explosive” by Elise Wilk, directed by Andrei Măjeri, 2015-2016 season, premiere January 16, 2016

Gaie – ,,Isteața” a theatrical fairy tale by Traian Savinescu after the Brothers Grimm, directed by Traian Savinescu, season 2014-2015, premiere 19 May 2015

Martin – ,, The Morning After … ” by Peter Quilter, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2014-2015, premiere February 14, 2015

Paul Granger III – ,,HOT L Baltimore” by Lanford Wilson, directed by Peter Schneider, season 2013-2014, premiere 14 February 2014

In suite, The Envoy of Athens – ,,Lysistrata” by Aristophanes, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, season 2012-2013, premiere 24 February 2013

Iosif – ,,Apocalypse after Shakespeare” by Janusz Wiśniewski, directed by Janusz Wiśniewski, season 2012-2013, premiere 22 December 2012

Ionescu – “A Lost Letter” by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2012-2013, premiere October 13, 2012

Damis – ,,Tartuffe” by Molière, directed by Kincses Elemér, 2011-2012 season, opening October 2, 2011

Parolles/ Steward – ,,All’s well that ends well” by William Shakespeare, directed by Tim Carroll, 2011-2012 season, premiere 21 May 2011

Poet – ,,Caligula” by Albert Camus, directed by Bocsárdi Lászlo, season 2011-2012, premiere 12 March 2011

Anchetatorul – ,,Ce mai taci, Gary?” dramatization by Toma Grigorie after the “Diary” of Ion Desideriu Sîrbu, directed by Alina Rece, 2010-2011 season, premiere 18 November 2010

The Revolutionary – ,,Balcony” by Jean Genet, directed by Nicu Nitai, 2009-2010 season, premiere 20 June 2010

Rode Vladimir Karlovich – ,,Three Sisters” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by Andreas Pantzis, 2009-2010 season, premiere 23 March 2010

Zeus/ Iros – ,,Odysseia” by Homer, directed by Tim Carroll, 2008-2009 season, premiere 7 June 2009

Voie Bună/ Murgilă – ,,Înșir-te mărgărite” by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2008-2009 season, premiere 15 February 2009

Pierrot – ,,Dom Juan” by Molière, directed by Cornel Todea, 2008-2009 season, premiere 6 December 2008

Jose/ Rosinante – ,,Man of La Mancha” by Dale Wassermann, directed by Cezar Ghioca, 2008-2009 season, premiere 1 November 2008

The Confessor – ,,A tenor is wanted” by Ludwig Ken, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, 2008-2009 season, premiere 21 September 2008

Picard – ,,The Two Orphans” by Adolphe D’ Ennery, directed by George Ivașcu, season 2007-2008, premiere 16 September 2007

Baba – “The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen, directed by Tudor Valov, 2005-2006 season, premiere 1 February 2006


Roles at other theatres 

Beppe – “Galcevile din Chioggia” by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Laurian Oniga

Grumio – “Taming the Scorpion” by William Shakespeare, directed by Gabriela Dumintru

Treplev – “The Seagull” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by Laurian Oniga

Don Juan – “Don Juan” by Molière, directed by Laurian Oniga

Dionissos – “Bacchantes” by Euripides, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu

Simon the Magician – “The Temptation of St. Anton” by Gustave Flaubert, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu

Tartaglia – “Turandot” by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză

Slift – “St. John the Baptist” by Bertold Brecht, directed by Michael Devine (Canada)

Scaraoschi – “Dănilă Prepeleac by Ion Creangă , directed by Horia Davidescu

Handsome Boy – “Where is the kite hiding?” by Marin Sorescu

Buxifan – ,, Buxifan ” text adaptation by Doina Pologea, directed by Valentin Dobrescu


Movie and TV

Ionel Fernic – “The Flying” – Film TVR
Zdrahonul – “The Fool Returns” – directed by Geo Saizescu

TV spots – Connex, Ursus, BRD


Directing and directing assistance

2006 – assistant director – project “Medea”, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos – “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre in Craiova

2001 – asistent regie – proiectul „Cassandra”, regia Andrea Battistini – Teatro Stabile Genova (Italia)
2001 – regizor – proiectul „Shake/Speare„ – Teatro Degli Animosi (Italia)



2001 – Male Performance Award at the Hyperion International Festival

    Roluri jucate de-a lungul timpului

    în The snake outfit
    în Radio
    în Operațiunea Marte
    în Casa cu suricate
    în Ciuf și Ciuf în spațiu
    în White room
    în Aias. Eseu despre demență
    în Cealaltă țară
    în Monstrul nisipurilor
    în Vești bune. Final
    în Inimă și alte preparate din carne
    în Unde mi-e sufletul?
    în Jocul de-a măcelul
    în Richard al III-lea