The snake outfit
Autor: | Autor Marius Aldea |
Descrierea spectacolului
<<"The snake outfit" is a "poetic-graphic" performance based on Marius Aldea's verses, verses that take the pulse of our times, of the ways in which individuals seek their usefulness in a world constrained by the pressures characteristic of each age. The show presents a chronology of the life of a man able to remember the way he thought as a child, a (un)assumption of his condition as an (i)responsible adult, a perpetual search for the non-existent balance. All these anxieties are exposed to the viewer in a plastic, dynamic, self-mocking manner, in which the actors' bodies render what words can only communicate up to a point.
“Let’s call it what it is: sleep has the great merit of taking you out of the world.” I think that would be the motto of the show. Despite the fatalistic tone, one will discover a great love of life through the way the body submits to its organic rhythms and impulses. This body cannot connect directly to other bodies, but it can reconnect to itself through its fragile past, its anguished present, its inevitable future. Six bodies with six “skins” – the same person.>> Andrea Gavriliu
“The construction techniques of the poem combine/overlap and influence the construction of the performance: the rolling of significant notes, the construction in close-ups, the selection of material beyond an apparent banality includes the most common gestures reinvested with substance, with body. The misfortunes of body and soul communicated through movement and poetry. (…) The performative value of poetic language translated into broad or geometrically thought-out movements, associations of words, gestures and positions, the eulogy of sleep “that takes you out of the world” come together in a round performance about the constraints of reality and the need to adapt to reality, the invention of an indeterminate space, a saving dance.”
(Daniela Firescu – Scena digitală: şi teatru, şi film / revista „Ramuri, nr. 8/2020)